Kill Bill is an american action/thriller film which is the opening sequence that will be looked at. This scene is a very interesting one to look at. The opening sequence starts off with the colour being shown in black and white instead of the traditional standard colour. This already says to the audience that the events are at some point in the past. This straightaway puts the film in a non-linear format from the start. Just like in London to Brighton which also has a non-linear format it is possibly one of the ways to structure the film It is possible that it is a flashback to a event of the protagonist "The Bride" has experienced. The opening sequence for this film therefore draws the audience in so we will be able to find out what happened to her.

What is she doing on the floor bleeding? And who is the man talking in the background. All this is done to hide the person who is actually committing the crime, which again creates mystery and suspense as the audience don't know what is going on. It also makes the audience want to watch on to see what happened to her. Furthermore the image also shows a key feature which is found in a lot of thriller films and is generally used in openings of the films as well. By the use of close ups we get to really see how the person is feeling. This was a similar effect which is found in the British film London to Brighton. However, the close up that is also used plays a very key part in how the rest of the film will go on. By using the close up all we are able to see is a hand wiping off some of the blood from the women. The voice of the man, creates further enigmas. It questions who is that man who is speaking to her. This as a whole creates tension and suspense as we don't know what he plans to do to her. As a whole this technique of hiding the person by using close ups and using a non-linear story are again little tips that can be used in the coursework. By using these when actually filming for the audiences watching it can potentially question why a certain character is doing what they are doing, which as a whole makes it very suspenseful.
Despite this, there are still features of it being a opening title for at the end of the sequence the production company appears which again as they have been in the clips that i have analysed show that in the coursework they are going to have to be present there.
Below is the opening sequence to the thriller film Kill Bill which i have analysed
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